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Connecting with friends and family has become integral to our daily lives in the digital age. Social media platforms have revolutionized how we interact, and as a pioneer in this field, Facebook has consistently strived to improve its users’ communication experience. Among these innovations is the Facebook Threads app, streamlining and personalizing messaging for a more engaging and convenient experience. As we explore the features and benefits of Facebook Threads in this article, we will see how it has redefined how we communicate with our loved ones.

User Base: Threads Vs Instagram

One of the world’s most popular social media platforms, Instagram had over 1.5 billion monthly active users as of June 2023. There are users from every age group, gender, region, and interest group on Instagram. The majority of Instagram users are between the ages of 25 and 34, followed by 22% between the ages of 18 and 24 and 16% between the ages of 35 and 44, according to Statista. Celebrities, influencers, brands, and businesses also use the platform to promote their products, services, and causes.

Meta launched a brand new app called Threads in July 2023 to compete with Twitter. Over a million people sign up for Threads on its first day, including prominent figures in the media, entertainment, sports, politics, and technology fields. It is primarily used by young people interested in engaging in real-time conversations about topics of interest. Meta reports that 60% of Threads users are between the ages of 18-24, 25% between the ages of 25-34, and 10% between the ages of 35-44.

Privacy and Control

Threads emphasize privacy and control as one of its key features. The “Close Friends” list can be customized by users when they first set up the app. In this list, users can choose who can see their stories, updates, and photos, ensuring that only a limited number of people can see the content. The feature is particularly useful for those who wish to maintain a more private and intimate circle on social media.

Features: Threads Vs Instagram

Instagram is a photo and video sharing app where users can upload content to their feed, stories, reels, livestreams, and IGTV. A number of filters, stickers, text effects, and other features are available to users for editing their photos and videos. Direct messaging on Instagram allows users to chat with their friends and send pictures, videos, voice messages, and GIFs.

Incorporating Instagram and text messaging, Threads allows users to converse. It is possible to post text messages, photos, and videos to users’ feeds. Besides replying and reposting, users can also quote other users’ posts. Posts from Threads can also be shared to Instagram stories. Users can access their Instagram chats from Threads, but there is no direct messaging feature yet.

Auto-Status: Mindful and Respectful Communication

Threads introduce a thoughtful feature called “Auto-Status.” This feature uses artificial intelligence to understand a user’s context and automatically update their status. When the user is at work or meeting, the app will automatically set their status to “Busy” or “At Work” without manual intervention. The automated system allows users to communicate instantly without feeling compelled to respond, promoting mindful and respectful communication.

Focus on Messaging – Minimizing Distractions

Threads is a messaging-centric app designed to reduce the distractions commonly associated with traditional social media platforms. Users can focus solely on meaningful conversations with their close friends without worrying about public posts, ads, or accumulating likes and comments. The deliberate focus of the app reinforces its core purpose by creating genuine and authentic interactions.

Stories – A Personal and Visual Experience

In response to Instagram Stories’ success, Threads introduces its version of the feature. Users can share stories exclusively with Close Friends instead of broadcasting them to a wide audience. It encourages more intimate and personal connections by ensuring the stories are seen only by those who matter most to the user.

Customizable Experience

Threads provide several customization options to let users personalize the app’s appearance and functionality based on their preferences. From selecting a colour theme to choosing notification settings, users can tailor the app to suit their preferences and lifestyle.


Facebook Threads exemplifies its commitment to evolving communication in the digital age. Threads differentiates itself from traditional social media applications by focusing on privacy, personalization, and meaningful connections. Meta launched a brand new app called Threads in July 2023 to compete with Twitter. Over a million people signed up for Threads on its first day, including prominent figures in the media, entertainment, sports, politics, and technology fields. Featuring Auto-Status, Close Friends list, and camera integration, the app fosters genuine communication and encourages users to stay connected with their closest friends more privately and authentically. In the face of this ever-changing social media landscape, Facebook Threads is unquestionably at the forefront of redefining how we communicate with those who matter most to us.


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